Pulmonary embolisms (PE) and deep vein thrombosis (DVT), caused by blood clots forming in veins, are responsible for up to 100,000 American deaths each year. Do you know who’s at risk and how to recognize the signs of a blood clot?
Risk Factors:
- Limited mobility because of a medical problem, surgery, or paralysis
- Vein injury from bone fracture, muscle injury, trauma or major surgery especially to the abdomen, pelvis, hip or legs
- Being over the age of 60, being overweight or obese, having high blood pressure, being a smoker
- Having heart failure or cancer in the abdomen
- Previously suffering a blood clot or having a family history of blood clots
- Having a vein tube for medication or other treatment
The most common symptoms of DVT are unexplained swelling, pain, tenderness or redness in the arm or leg. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, promptly contact your doctor. Signs of a more serious clot in the lungs are difficulty breathing, rapid or irregular heartbeat, chest pain, coughing up blood, and feeling faint. Call 911 or get to an emergency room immediately if having these symptoms.
Blood clots are preventable and, if discovered early, treatable. The important thing is to know if you are at risk and recognize the warning signs.
For more information on PE and DVT visit http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/dvt/index.html.