The postpartum period that begins after the birth of a newborn is a critical time for new mothers. This period will generally last six to eight weeks. During this time, a new mother’s body will be undergoing several changes as it returns to its pre-pregnant state. These physical, emotional and lifestyle changes can present significant challenges. During the postpartum period, new mothers need to take especially good care of themselves. Some families and single mothers decide to utilize new mom assistance services to help care for the newborn and mother. Although there are a number of different steps new mothers should take in order to better care for themselves, this article will provide a few suggestions.
Don’t Forget To Rest
Newborns have much different internal clocks than adults. On average, newborns can awaken every three hours and will require nourishment, changing and comforting. This constant cycle of short duration of sleep can be a tough adjustment for parents and single mothers, especially if this is their first child. A solid eight hours is probably a long ways off for new mothers, but there are some steps that can help with getting rest:
Eliminating Responsibility
If possible, new mothers should only focus on caring for themselves and their baby. This means relieving new mothers of all responsibilities. Many new mothers rely on a home care professional to provide assistance with care. A home care professional can make this period of transition much less difficult for new mothers and their families
For new mothers, sleep can be hard to come by. But a well known trick of the trade is to take naps while the newborn sleeps. Although this will most likely not be a significant amount of time all at once, all those short increments will add up throughout a day. An hour here or there is nothing to scoff at!
Say “No” To Entertaining
Although a number of new parents and mothers appreciate some social time with family and friends, new mothers should not feel pressured to entertain. New mothers need to remember that their health and the health of their baby comes first. If a new mom is entertaining but has a chance to rest, she should excuse herself and seize the opportunity.
Introduce a Bottle at the Right Time
After a few weeks (although time can vary), new mothers usually have the option to utilize a bottle for some feedings. Utilizing a bottle at the right time can allow a mother to get a longer period of rest while someone else takes over feeding duty.
Proper Nutrition is Key
A new mother’s body has undergone tremendous changes throughout the course of her pregnancy, as well as during birth. Following birth, a new mother needs to heal and rejuvenate from the toll the pregnancy has taken on her body. Research has shown the significant benefits that proper nutrition can have in the healing/recovery process.
Many lactation experts agree that mothers need to keep up with a healthy and balanced diet. Mothers should also be sure to eat when they feel hungry. Alongside a balanced diet, new mothers should also focus on increasing healthy fluids and staying hydrated. This sounds simple, but new mothers may overlook this element of caring for themselves because they become too distracted in caring for their baby.
The Weight WILL Come Off
Many new mothers are eager to lose their pregnancy weight. However, extreme forms of dieting that cause rapid weight loss could be hazardous to their health, as well as the health of their baby if they are breastfeeding. The natural weight loss process may take months but can be aided by cutting our high-fat foods and by starting to take advantage of regular exercise. For help with designing a diet and exercise regimen, it is always wise to consult your healthcare provider.
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help
Caring for a newborn baby takes a lot of work (and that’s putting it lightly). Tending to the frequent and continuing needs of a newborn requires both focus and energy. New parents or single mothers will have a lot on their plates during the first several weeks after birth and may want to enlist some additional assistance to make things more manageable. Helpers may be family, friends or even a paid home care provider.
Depending on the mother’s needs, professional home care providers can be utilized in a variety of ways. This may include providing nursing care of the new mother and newborn, to housekeeping, or even caring for other children. New mothers should not think of new mom assistance negatively. These services are becoming more common in the U.S. as time goes on and ew moms shouldn’t feel ashamed in using them.
New Mother Assistance Services Are Available!
New mother services allow new mothers to focus more closely on themselves and their newborn, with less stress and distractions. Caring Hands Matter is a trusted provider of new mom assistance services and cares for new mothers in the Northern Virginia and D.C./Metro areas. To learn more about how new mother services can benefit you and your newborn, contact Caring Hands Matter by calling or by sending us an online message today.