New mothers often struggle with sleep, it’s no secret. It can take months to figure out how to calm the mind before trying to sleep. A recent survey by Sleep Number claims that up to 54% of Americans agree they don’t sleep as much as they should.
Caring Hands Matter doesn’t want anyone to face sleep difficulties during, so here are some of the things new mothers can do to help with sleep. You may have heard some of these tips before, but many are helpful if you can’t remember the last time you had a good night’s rest.
If Your Baby Sleeps, You Sleep
This may be one of the most repeated pieces of advice you’ll hear as a new mother, but it’s also one of the hardest with which to follow through. With so much to do during the day, like responding to emails, finishing the dishes, and doing the laundry, there’s no time to stop and sleep when the baby does! Those things may seem important now, but let us tell you, It can pay off to realize how unimportant those things are at the time and just gotten my rest. You can’t let every little thing you have to get done prevent you from taking care of yourself. Sleep when your baby does, and you’ll be about as well rested as you can be. You don’t want to be worn out while trying to care for your infant baby.
Communication is Key
You shouldn’t be afraid to ask your husband or partner for what you want or need. They may be the best person on the planet, but they are not psychic. Unless you let them know what you’re thinking, chances are they are not going to guess. Being direct is a good thing. Simple things like giving the baby a bath while you nap can make a world of difference for new mothers, especially those with sleep deprivation. Don’t make caring for your baby harder than it has to be by not communicating clearly with your partner.
Accept Help When Offered
As a new mother it may feel like you can handle all the responsibility yourself. Cooking, cleaning, diaper changes, bathing, and late night breastfeeding were things I wanted to do on my own, all while working from home. For some time that’s exactly what they did, but then they nearly put themselves back into the hospital from overwork and exhaustion. Those subtle changes such as timing your rest and asking for help can allow you to care for your newborn without sacrificing your health and sanity.
Early Bedtimes
When it comes to early bedtimes, nobody should be more committed than new mothers. Early bedtimes prevent that extra level of sleep deprivation that comes from being woken during your sleep in the night, and are a great asset to your health as time goes on.
Careful With Caffeine
It would be hard-pressed to find someone who isn’t powered by caffeine to some degree. However, with a newborn it’s a good idea to cut back caffeine intake, or stop completely. Newborns are on their own schedule, so you need to be able to fall asleep at any time, just as the baby will. Keeping yourself caffeinated will cause you to miss chances to sleep.
Find the Headspace
One thing most people don’t realize, including mothers of newborns, is that you can’t fall asleep without finding the right state of mind. For each person the routine will be different, but maintaining a nightly ritual will help you quiet your thoughts and relax yourself into a restful sleep. Perhaps your routine will involve drinking a cup of warm milk, taking a hot bath, reading a chapter from your favorite book, or some simple stretching. If you think it will help you prepare for rest, it can’t hurt. Once you’ve found what helps you relax, you’ll be able to fall asleep quickly and rest soundly all night.
You Will Have Restful Nights Again
Newborns will need to be fed every few hours during the night.. Jumbled thoughts and exhaustion can be the norm, but everyone around you will assure you that eventually things will get better. While it may seem like this time goes by at the speed of a turtle, it actually passes quite fast. If you’re a new mom going through that period of doubt right now, hang in there. Before you know it you’ll be sleeping through the night again right alongside your little one.
New Mother Assistance
If someone tells you they can predict what the life of a newborn will be like, they aren’t telling you the truth. Motherhood is an overwhelming thing that sometimes can’t be handled alone. For new mothers seeking services and care from an agency that only provides the best, Caring Hands Matter is the clear choice for new mom assistance services. With a stellar reputation for excellent care and helping new moms learn the ways of caring for their children, Caring Hands Matter will be there for your needs as a mother. To learn more about our assistance services please contact us through our website, or call directly.