Taking care of a family member who has Alzheimer’s disease or dementia can be difficult for those who live nearby, but that responsibility presents more of a challenge for loved ones who live far
Staying Organized as a Caregiver
Whether you're an in-home family caregiver, or overseeing long-distance care, staying organized is an important part of the role. Your loved one is relying on you for many different kinds of support,
Benefits of Respite Care
Living with, or simply taking care of, an elderly person with Alzheimer's disease or dementia can be difficult, with help and assistance potentially needed at virtually any hour of the day. While a
In-Home Care Evaluation Criteria
“All by myself!” is the refrain parents hear sung day in and day out through the toddler years. Developmentally, toddlers wish to assert their independence and demonstrate ability to dress, feed,
Helping Someone With Progressive Dementia
Anyone with an aging parent or another loved relative has probably considered the possibility of Dementia. It is a widely recognized problem, yet one that can oftentimes be misunderstood. While there
Communicating Your Feelings to Your Partner After Pregnancy
In their 2010 TED talk, Rufus Griscom and Alisa Volkman talked about parenting taboos. As a new father, Rufus saw his son emerge squalling into the world and as the nurse handed him the child, he
Helping Seniors Manage Anxiety at Home
Anxiety can be a significant problem as seniors age. Every year, about 10% of the population of adults over 65 is diagnosed with a clinical anxiety disorder, and 15% of people who live past retirement
Sharing Caregiver Responsibilities Between Adult Children
Many people feel a high degree of fear and apprehension when they imagine one of their parents diagnosed with a debilitating illness. Many adult children have never quite stopped seeing their parents
Situations When Individuals Require 24-hour Home Care Assistance
Sleek car commercials that demonstrate automotive speed and agility on a closed course, America’s Funniest Videos accident reels, scientific myth-busting experiment sequences, and anything featured on
Fun Card and Board Games to Play with Seniors
Many people are concerned about losing their memory and mental capacity as they grow older. By the time we reach middle age, most of us have experienced the sensation of losing track of information