Once your little bundle of joy comes into the world, you can expect some more big changes to occur your life. This isn’t surprising though. After going through pregnancy, you can take on any challenge! And although being a new mom is in fact challenging just remember, you aren’t alone. Many new mothers face the same or similar difficulties following the birth of their newborn. This blog will discuss some of the many challenges that new moms may encounter following birth.
Taking Care of Yourself
For most mothers, as soon as they make it home they only focus on one thing – the precious new addition to their family. Of course, this is to be expected. New mothers go into overdrive just to keep up with the constant needs of their newborn. But while new moms are on this emotional, sleep deprived roller coaster, they usually forget to take care of themselves. Taking care of yourself is far from selfish, your baby needs you to be in the best condition possible. Because time is stretched so thin, new moms can do little things to make themselves feel better. Simply taking some time to shower, taking a walk or any doing little task that makes you happy is going to serve as a real benefit.
Although the suggestion to take some time for yourself is a good one, for many mothers it is simply impossible. To avoid the hazards of becoming overwhelmed, it is becoming more common for new moms to work with a home care professional who has experience in helping new mothers. These professionals can help to shoulder the burden of being a new mother by helping to take care of other household tasks or; by caring specifically for a mother and her newborn. New moms need to focus on themselves and their baby and a home care aid can make managing the rest of life’s responsibilities easier.
Feeling Confident In Your Own Skin
It is no secret that your body has undergone immense physical changes due to pregnancy. Certain aspects such as stretch marks, additional body fat, varying breast size and other physical changes can make it difficult for new mothers to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin. If a new mom is feeling concerned or insecure about how her partner may perceive her, the best route to take is open communication. Discuss how you feel with your partner. Not only will it help to express yourself, but it is valuable to alert your partner that you may be struggling internally.
Rebuilding Your Body
Some new moms are surprised when their pregnancy weight doesn’t simply fade away right after pregnancy. Although it may be frustrating and disheartening that your pregnancy pounds don’t just melt right off, it is actually somewhat common. Sometimes, new moms feel the urge to rid themselves of unwanted pounds on an unrealistic timeline. This may cause them to go to extremes such as crash dieting or overly intense exercise. Although it may be appealing, this type of approach isn’t always safe or realistic. An average pregnancy is 40 weeks long. 40 weeks of pregnancy isn’t going to simply disappear overnight! New moms should make sure that they are practicing proper nutrition while keeping up with reasonable exercise in order to lose weight the healthy way.
The Notorious Lack of Sleep
Although some babies will start to follow a more routine schedule from a young age, others may continue to stir every few hours for several months. This being said, it is understandable that new moms are going to lose some zzz’s. While feeling tired is natural, extreme exhaustion due to lack of sleep can be hazardous for new mothers. It can be difficult to keep things in perspective when you are sleep deprived but, remember that these restless nights will pass. To learn more about how new mothers can enhance their health by getting more rest, read our blog, To All New Mothers – Get Some Rest!
Learning To Trust Others
New moms are oftentimes are faced with an ability to take any sort of break. This is understandable because once you become a mom, it is a 24/7 position. But, new moms eventually need to maintain more of a healthy balance in their lives. Trusting others will become essential. Although moms may be superheroes, they too will sometimes need a break. Allowing yourself to feel at ease when your baby is in the care of others (such as your partner or your parents) will allow you to recharge and to keep a level head on your shoulders.
Contact Caring Hands Matter For Support
Caring Hands Matter is a trusted home care organization that is equipped to support new mothers while they transition into their new roles. Our new mom assistance services can be set up in a variety of ways so that new mothers feel less stress and exhaustion. To learn more about how our services can make your life easier or, to setup a consultation, contact us by phone or send us a message online today.